Reasons to be joyful
Thank-you for your faithfulness in prayer over the last year. As my first year on staff draws to a close I thought it might be a good idea to use this prayer letter as a chance to reflect on how things have gone with a more wide-angled lens. My general feeling as is that it’s been a great year! Since arriving in St Andrews last August there has been much to be joyful about, both professionally and personally. Working alongside St Andrews CU has been a real privilege and I’ve been constantly encouraged, inspired and convicted by the creativity, commitment and sacrifice they display in their genuine desire to give as many people on campus as possible a chance to encounter Jesus. Getting to work with them has been a real joy, whether I’ve been reading the Bible one-on-one, doing practical training with the CU committee, writing studies with the hall group leaders or going along to one of their events. I’m thankful for a CU in good health and excited to see how the Lord uses them next year!
I’ve also loved settling into St Andrews as a place. Moving here was something I was pretty anxious about last summer, but it’s been a real joy to get to live in such a beautiful town! Long walks by the beach taking in the sea air have, I think, been good for the soul and I’m particularly thankful for a good group of friends here, with whom I can enjoy the many blessings of life in the East Neuk of Fife. As a St Andrews choir once sang (and CU students love to shout at ceilidhs) – “you can travel the world, but nothing comes close to the East Fife Coast!”
Students Reaching Students
As a fellowship, we at UCCF firmly believe that students are the best people to reach other students, so it’s been a real joy to see the members of St Andrews CU so keen to do just this. Hearing about 1st year students reading the gospel with their flat mates or sporty guys seeking out opportunities to talk to their team mates about Jesus has been great. The CU have also done a good job of running high quality, welcoming, enjoyable events and making them appealing to the average St Andrews student. Sometimes this year we’ve had hundreds of guests at CU events hearing the gospel proclaimed clearly. Of course it’s been a
particular joy to hear of the three students who put their trust in Jesus off the back of some of these events! Please do pray that the CU can build on these encouragements next year, becoming an even more effective gospel witness on campus.
Team Life
A highlight throughout this year has been working within the UCCF Scotland team. This group of 9 Staff and 8 Relay Workers, overseen by our regional Team Leader, are a delight to work alongside. Our monthly team meetings have been a real blessing and a chance to share in one another’s joys and struggles. Craig Anderson, Staff Worker in Dundee, finished on staff in July and is moving on to further ministry training. Pray for him in this and for David High who will be stepping into his role.
Looking Ahead
Now that summer is drawing to a close I’m very excited about getting stuck into another year of CU mission. The first big date in the calendar is Forum, a training conference for all the CUs in Britain. This will take place during the first week of September and a group of 12 from SAUCU will make the long journey south.
Things will kick off back on patch with Freshers Week’ from 11th- 15th September. The CU will be running their own programme of events this week with the dual aim of recruiting new members and reaching non-Christians!
In September I’ll also be joined by two Relay Workers. I’m looking forward to having Andrew Barclay and Abi Zabala working alongside the CU here as part of a 10 month discipleship programme.
So there’s much to be excited about for the term ahead! Pray for all of these things, for me to be energized after a restful summer and, in everything, for lots of opportunities in the year ahead for students to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus Christ!.
Support Raising Update
I’m thankful for how God has provided for me throughout this year through generous financial partners. It costs just under £30,000 to employ a full time Staff Worker (this includes things like salary, training and employment costs) and I am still working towards my target of raising this each year. The most effective way of doing this is through people giving smaller amounts each month. For example, if 30 people were to give just £10 a month an gift aid it I would be over half way towards reaching my target.
If you have been praying for me this year and feel you might be in a position where you can also give then please do get in touch and I can give you more details. You can also give online by visiting the following address:
Give thanks for:
- An encouraging first year with SAUCU
- Feeling settled in St Andrews, with a good group of friends.
Please pray for:
- A helpful week of teaching and training at Forum
- My new Relay Workers Andrew Barclay and Abi Zabala settling into St Andrews
- A group of 1st Year Christian students who get the vision of CU and want to get involved this year
- A good focus on evangelism during Freshers’ Week
- God’s continued provision through financial partnership