Life in Fife 6: April Update

Life in Fife April Title 2017


Life in Fife

Matty Guy’s prayer news April 2017




As I write this update, the East Coast sunshine beaming in through the window, it seems that Spring has well and truly sprung in St Andrews! The shades are out, the sleeves are rolled up and, as they say at home, ‘there’s some stretch in the evenings.’ In student land this means that exams must be just around the corner and, for me, things are starting to wind down a bit as normal term draws to a close and students retreat to the library.

I’d like to thank you all for your continued prayer and support over what has been a very busy term! Since my last update, my calendar has been full with weekends away, conferences and quite a lot of speaking commitments in various places. All of which is to say that I’m pretty shattered! Tomorrow night is the Starlight Ball, the last big scale evangelistic event in the SAUCU Calendar. I’ll be delivering an after- dinner talk on Psalm 8 during a night of dinner, dancing and dressing in finery. Beyond this, my schedule becomes less jam-packed, and I’m looking forward to enjoying some time off next week, my first proper break since Christmas. Nonetheless, as I look back over March and April, it has been an encouraging time. Selected highlights from this time include 140 CU leaders gathering for a weekend of teaching training at Forum

Scotland, a fruitful time away in Anstruther for a planning weekend with the new SAUCU committee and a fun night speaking on ‘The Gospel According to Beyoncé’ for Stirling CU. I’ve had lots of encouraging conversations with keen students, actively engaging in mission on campus in the last month and a half and, though I’m feeling drained by how hectic it’s all been, I’m still struck by how fortunate I am to get to do this job. Thank you to all of you who have prayed for me, shared in these joys and offered encouragement and support in the associated struggles!



Day-To-Day as UCF Staff Worker


CU Ball

In a recent update, I asked for prayer for the outgoing CU committee, the group of students who lead the CU over the course of the year. The new committee took over at the very end of February. It’s been great getting to know them since then. I’ve had the privilege of meeting with each of them individually over the last couple of months, hearing their own personal stories of how God has been at work in their lives to bring them to faith, and chatting through what their roles will look like over the next year. In the middle of March, we all headed off to Anstruther for a planning weekend. As well as providing a good chance for some fun and team bonding, this weekend was also a very useful time of planning a year ahead in corporate CU meetings and evangelistic events. I’m very excited to be working alongside these committed, enthusiastic young people over the next academic year and I can’t wait to see what the

Lord does through them as they seek to encourage the CU in their mission on campus. Do pray for them as they get to grips with their roles and for me as I seek to equip and encourage them in leading the CU well!



As April turns to May

As said earlier, with exam season kicking off soon, things get quieter for me as April turns to May. As I write this, we have the Starlight Ball tomorrow night, the last big event that SAUCU is running this year. After this, I’ll have a few days off before Scotland Team Days at the end of April.

I’ll be heading down to Oxfordshire in early May for T2, the third and final of the training conferences for first year Staff Workers. Apart from this, May is a reasonably quiet month. We’ll have our May Team Days towards the end of the month and I’ll be meeting with the Dundee and Aberdeen staff teams for our North East Scotland Team Day on May 12th, but these are the only fixed things in my diary over the next month and a half. Coming after a busy term I’m quite looking forward to the change in pace! Do pray for me to use the extra time well to get caught up on study and being to get things prepared for next year.




Give thanks for:

•      An encouraging time with lots of exciting things happening in CUs

•      God’s sustaining hand throughout a busy term

•      A new group of committed, keen and godly CU leaders


Please pray for:

• Good chances to share the gospel at Starlight Ball

• Good rest during time off

• The new CU committee as they get to grips with their roles

• An encouraging, helpful time at T2




Matty Guy

Matty is from Northern Ireland, but has moved around Britain quite a lot since leaving for Uni.

It was during his time at Newcastle University that Matty really learned the importance of evangelism, and started to get enthusiastic about seeing students reached with the gospel, and he’s praying for lots of opportunities to see this happening in St. Andrew’s.

Matty loves writing poems, reading books and listening to an eclectic musical collection comprising everything from Busted to Bruce Springsteen. He's also a big Newcastle United fan, though that's not been a huge source of joy recently.

Matty will be working with the University of St Andrew's CU to help further their mission in the Gospel.